Publication date: 13 Apr 2021
About a half of the Russians think that short videos like “Stories” on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok videos, short episode series (10-15 minutes long) are the option for modern people living their frenzy fast life. 65% of young people of Russia support this opinion, states VSIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Center). 69% of respondents have been permanent users of such services for the last 6 months. They usually watch videos on the public transport (21%), at the table – eating (19%), at home (16%). As analysts say, the frequency hasn’t changed 48 % (33% of the population in Russia) tend to do this as often as they did before, 18% are sure that they do it more often, 30% think that they watch videos more seldom. The time spent on watching has not changed for 47%, while 38% have been spending less time enjoying short films for the last half of a year. 12% showed an increase. 10% of the latter are the group of 18-24 y.o. A very time consuming habit is watching the videos. More than 94 bn hours were spent on watching mobile videos, on average, 3.5 hours a day. It is a 40% growth in comparison to 2019 according to App Annie. Average daily time spent on videos is 16.5 hours, which is a 215% rise as compared to the last year.
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