Publication date: 20 Jul 2020
This article was prepared by 3snet expert Alex Miller in collaboration with RichAds.- RichAds is a performance advertising platform with traffic verification and access to premium & brand-safe sources. Service offers push, pops, and native formats. Partners of 3snet are offered a sign-up bonus!
The pandemic undoubtedly dealt a devastating blow to the betting industry. On the one hand, you’d think that we can’t wish for anything better: the players now have more time to be online. But due to quarantine, all significant sporting events were canceled or postponed. That is, there was simply nothing to bet on!
I would also like to clarify that the situation with the abolition of traditional events gave a huge chance and impetus to esports. Statistics show: as shown by the data of some offices, the activity of players increased by 30-40% of all bets. Cyber sports have confidently won leadership positions and will remain the same. You can even say that some of the players will understand that it’s more interesting and faster here, and will remain in esports further.
What is happening now? Read the full interview “Case Report: Betting After Pandemic” on RichAds.com.
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