Publication date: 14 Nov 2017
Ad Network: 3Snet
Offer: Vulcan CPL id 259
Period: 1 August 2017 – 2 September 2017
Source: “White” doorways
Expenses: 0
Revenue: 54 780 RUB
Profit: 54 780 RUB
It is necessary:
1. Doorways as traffic sources
2. Services to collect a basis for push-notifications
I won’t tell how to create dorways, this is a case for those who are already able to do it.
I had templates for Fonbet and I wanted to launch a doorway directly on several geos in the CIS (Fonbet’s offers don’t accept any traffic, just a few countries but also there is less competition). After the launching of doorway for all chosen geos the target traffic began to come from search. I decided to try to squeeze out slightly more from this doorway as I saw that the users’ engagement was was higher on this doorway than usually. I set push-notifications
there is no problem to deliver push-notifications — there is a bunch of services provide unlimited tariffs on collection and sending push-notifications (as to me I use sendpulse, I did not test others so far). the particularity of sendpulse is that push notifications can be delivered also on the http website, without ssl.
For those who never did it:
1. you register in sendpulse;
2. you pass into the section “PUSH”;
3. you add the new website (you select the http/https protocol);
4. you select a notification message format for a subscription to push notifications;
5. you’ll be provided with a script which you insert in the head of site section I do it through GTM. sendpulse has the instruction how to make it through GTM
In the notification message I used a sentence similar to an intent that attracted more traffic from doorways. Users started to subscribe immediately. About 3-5% of users subscribed for push notifications.
I tested push notifications on different offers with different creatives. There is a convenient functionality for split in the service — set up options for the test, launch mailing and you set % of subscribers coming from the “winner”. This part is important since after 3-4 times I increased considerably the coefficient of transitions from mailing.
From the gambling offers Vulcan CPL id 259 proved to be better though not all segments were covered, the maximum selected on RU ,the rest of traffic for other CIS contries was sent on Rev-Share. The conversion rate from those push notification is very good. I apply a screen with stats for the offer id 259.
I will try standard doorways not for offers but for gathering of push notifications, there is more traffic there and the audience is similar. Guys from 3snet offer a few more offers where it is possible to earn through push notifications. By the way, managers 3snet share ideas and suggest the ways of optimization/ monetization of the traffic so it worth communicating with them for the sake of it.
I advise to look narrowly at this tool, especially if you already have some normal traffic somewhere. Monetization according to this diagram will cost to you 0 RUB and 2-10 hours of time depending on your passion for tests and optimization.