Publication date: 08 Jan 2025
December 2024 was an interesting year for gambling and betting. Laws changing advertising rules as well as allowing the operation of online casinos and bookmakers in various countries were passed at the end of the year. 3S.INFO contains all the information related to gambling advertising.
Gambling and Betting in December 2024: Advertising and Regulatory News
Vietnam has introduced a new Decree No. 147, which imposes stricter regulations on the online gambling industry. The Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information stated that casino-style games and card games are now banned in the country.
New Gambling and Betting Regulations in Vietnam
- Departments of Information and Communications (DICs) can certify G2, G3 and G4 online games and approve their distribution in the country.
- Mandatory player verification by mobile phone number.
- Players under the age of 16 must provide the details of their parents or guardians when registering. Therefore, they are responsible for supervising their children’s gaming activity.
- Under-18s can now play a maximum of 60 minutes per session and 180 minutes per day.
- App stores are required to ensure that consumers can only access games that have the necessary permissions.
As of December 11, 2024, Cambodia has banned gambling advertising. The ban applies to all websites and social networks that feature or promote gambling. At the same time, it is recalled that online gambling was banned in Cambodia in 2019.
In Colombia, the gambling regulator Coljuegos is actively fighting illegal gambling activities on social media. With the help of Meta* Corporation and the National Police Cyber Center, around 300 accounts with an audience of more than 230 million people were blocked in December 2024. Colombia loses 70 billion pesos (approximately $1.6 billion) annually to illegal gambling and betting sites.
*Meta is considered extremist in Russia and has been blocked by court order.
In December 2024, a new National Gambling Law was adopted and came into force in Curaçao. Companies with local gambling licenses then have 12 months to comply with all the requirements of the new law and renew their operating permit.
In Italy, a new procedure for obtaining a gambling license has come into effect. New licenses will be available from the beginning of 2025. They cost €7 million and are valid for 9 years. In addition, the ban on advertising sports betting and casino games is to be lifted in the near future.
Sweden has calculated the number of players who visit illegal gambling sites. According to the Swedish horse racing monopoly AB Trav och Galopp (ATG), the popularity of sites without a Swedish license has increased tenfold in 5 years (since 2019). ATG’s CEO, Hasse Lord Skarplot, criticized the government for making ‘unreasonable’ demands on licensed operators. He said the regulations are proving to be ‘counterproductive’, allowing the illegal market to grow.
“The total turnover of unlicensed gambling is estimated at 150 billion Swedish kronor (£10.76 billion/€12.99 billion/$13.64 billion), which is equivalent to the cost of running all primary schools in Sweden,” Skarplot said.
In December 2024, the Uzbek authorities decided to legalize betting and gambling in the country. Online bookmakers and casinos will be allowed from 2025.
New Gambling and Betting Regulations in Uzbekistan (effective from January 1, 2025)
- The regulator, the National Agency of Perspective Projects, will issue licenses for 5 years.
- For players: participation in gambling is possible from the age of 18. Playing is allowed only from the territory of Uzbekistan / if you are a citizen of Uzbekistan / from an IP address registered in Uzbekistan / from a mobile phone number with the international code of Uzbekistan. Furthermore, to make deposits and withdraw winnings, use a bank card issued by a bank in Uzbekistan.
- For organizers of sports betting or casino games: all game services and advertisements are offered in the state language. In addition, all activities are conducted only through official websites listed in the regulator’s register.
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