Publication date: 19 Jul 2023
On 20 July 2023, Telegram introduced a new format called Stories. The new update is in the app, which can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.
For now, it is available to users with a Premium subscription. Regular users can only view stories, nor can they be published to channels.
Stories will be placed in a special section at the top of the chat list. To create a story, you need to swipe to the right while in the chat list.
- Telegram is one of the most popular services combining different functions. Constant updates and innovations make it an effective channel to promote betting and gambling.
Telegram Stories features
- Privacy and ability to select who can view your stories: all users, just your contacts (with exceptions), a few selected contacts or a list of close friends. You can also choose whether you can save stories, take a screenshot, or make a screen recording.
- The possibility to hide the stories published by any contact. They can be moved to “Hidden” under “Contacts” instead of the home screen.
- Multi-tools support: edit photos and videos, add captions with links and mark other users.
- Dual camera support: allows you to post photos and videos taken with a front and back camera at the same time.
- The timing of publication: the user can choose the activity time of the stories (6, 12, 24 or 48 hours) or permanently display the stories on their profile page with individual privacy settings for each.
- Notifications let you know about new stories posted by people in your contact list. This feature can be turned off completely or you can set up an exclusion list.
- The creators promise “more surprises” in the future.
“More than half of all requests for new features we receive are related to Stories. Initially, we were against it as Stories are already everywhere. However, Telegram wouldn’t be Telegram if we didn’t take heed of our users and innovate on existing formats. In general, after our internal tests, even the sceptics on our team have started to appreciate the feature. We can no longer imagine Telegram without it,” said Pavel Durov, the service’s founder.
Telegram has also announced a new format of built-in advertising. In the near future it will be possible to publish a message in the channels in the format “picture+text+link”. In addition, the link can lead to an external resource. A special tracking feature will appear in Telegram to keep track of clicks on external advertising links.
Recall that in June 2023, analysts studied Telegram’s audience and came to some interesting conclusions. Not only has Telegram become one of the top five Internet resources visited in Russia, but it has also significantly changed the structure of its users.
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