Publication date: 11 Sep 2018
SQI instead of TIC
The Site Quality Index (SQI) is a new metric for website owners that will replace the Thematic Index of Citation (TIC) in “Yandex.Webmaster”. SQI and TIC take into account different aspects of quality. In particular, TIC used to assess a website’s authority basing on the number and the quality of links from other resources.
SQI indicates how useful a website is for users. The indicator is calculated with an algorithm that uses information about a website received from Yandex services.
Citation is no longer seen as an indicator of website quality, Elena Pershina, the PR manager for Yandex services, stated. What is more important is how well a website meets the needs of users. Whether it is user-friendly and gives necessary information users have been searching for. The index will help website owners to assess their resources from this perspective, she explained.
The Site Quality Index will be available in “Yandex.Webmaster” from next week
Reputation Score from Facebook
Facebook has introduced a reputation score for users. The social network rates the trustworthiness of its users on a scale from zero to 1, Tessa Lyons, the product manager who is in charge of fighting misinformation, said.
It is, however, unclear what criteria Facebook measures to determine a user’s score, whether all users have scores and what the scores affect in particular.
The social network does not give any details in order to prevent malicious actors from trying to game the system, Lyons added.
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