Artificial intelligence will set up bids in Yandex search

Publication date: 29 Apr 2019

Yandex.Direct optimizes bets for search traffic
In the second half of May, Yandex.Direct will begin optimizing the purchase of conversions in the Manual bid management on search. The algorithm will be predicting the conversion probability and, depending on the forecast, will either increase or decrease the bid for a small amount of traffic.
This will make it easier for advertisers to win the bidding for high converting traffic and to save money in case of a low conversion probability.
Depending on the conversion probability, advertisers will be able to pay less for some clicks and a bit more for others with the same request. The monthly budget will remain unchanged, but the conversion rate will increase.

Vertical video ads now available on Odnoklassniki
A new format of video content—vertical videos—is now available to users and advertisers on Odnoklassniki. Now authors, mass media, and advertisers can post vertically formatted videos, and they will appear as vertically formatted videos in users’ news feeds, without black bars on the side.
Vertical videos take up more screen space, capture more attention, and give a better watching experience. As a result, authors and advertisers get more feedback from users. The new format is available to all clients of myTarget ad platform.

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