Publication date: 13 May 2019
A typical Telegram user is a 34-year-old man who works in IT. The messenger is also getting popular among older age groups, experts of the Telegram channels analytics project TGStat.ru found out. The research results are based on 82,000 questionnaires.
- Gender and age
Forecasts that the number of male and female Telegram users will be approximately equal by 2019 have failed to come true: men still far outnumber women (67% against 33%).
Most of Telegram users are aged between 25-34 and 18-24.
Compared to 2017, the last time when the similar research was conducted, there are now more users aged 35-44 and 45-64 that means Telegram is no longer a youth-only messenger, experts said.
- Geography
72% of Telegram users are from Russia, 16% from Ukraine, 4% from Belarus, 2% from Uzbekistan. The remaining 5% are divided between 85 countries, including Kazakhstan, Germany, Israel, the US, and others.
Among the Russian regions, Telegram is most popular in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg (36% and 13%). In other Russian cities, the percentage is far lower: 3% in Yekaterinburg, 2% in Kazan and Novosibirsk.
- Jobs and income
Telegram audience used to be of “geeks and marketers”, bit now only every fourth user works in IT. The second place is taken by production jobs, and marketing jobs come only in the third place.
41% of Telegram users earn up to 45,000 rubles. Only 12% of users have income of more than 150,000 rubles, but this figure is much higher among channels about business and startups, experts found out.
At the same time, every fifth Telegram user is unemployed.
- Blocking
Almost half of Telegram users do nothing to bypass Telegram blocking because everything works well by itself.
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