Publication date: 06 Mar 2023

Since 2019, gambling has been legally regulated in Slovakia. Local and foreign operators are required to obtain licenses.
The Gambling Regulation Authority under the Slovak Ministry of Finance is responsible for issuing licenses and controlling gambling.
- Gambling Act No. 30/2019 Sat.;
- Official Website (Urad pro regulaciu hazardnych hier).
- List of individual gambling licenses issued in Slovakia
How to get a gambling license in Slovakia?
Any entity that is registered at the place of residence in the European Union or in the European Economic Area can apply for a license.
The minimum requirements for the authorized capital depend on the type of game that the license holder will offer. For online casinos, slot machines, and video lotteries, the amount is 1.7 million euros. The source of the contribution must be specified in the Gambling Regulatory Authority.
Also, the license applicant must pay the financial security necessary for the license holder to meet its obligations to the regulatory authority and customers.
More about gambling in Slovakia:
Validity period of the Slovak gambling license
Depending on the type of services offered, the license validity period ranges from 2 to 10 years:
- online casino – 5 years with the possibility of extension for the same period;
- online gambling – 10 years.
If the operator submits an application within 90 to 60 days before the expiration of the license, the license period will be extended.
Each foreign operator applying for a license must establish a representative office on the territory of Slovakia. It will act as an intermediary between the regulatory authority 3and the license holder. The director of the foreign representative office must be a citizen of Slovakia.
Operators register online casinos on the national domain “*. sk”.
The servers of online gambling operators must be located in Slovakia, and the regulatory authority has full access to the information stored there (details of all games, bets, winnings, game duration, player accounts).
How casino websites are black listed
Operation without a license is prohibited. The court immediately blocks such websites; individuals might be made to pay fines up to 1 million euro.
Violations in advertising might impose fines from 1000 to 10000 euros.
All necessary data, the list of forbidden websites may be found in the Supervision and Control section on the official website of the Gambling Regulation Administration.
- The Administration normally notifies the managing body of a company via email that they are going to be blocked. A letter is sent to the company which requires suspending. Moreover, it can be banned without notification if there is no address on the website;
- The Administration publishes the forbidden resources on their website every week, on the first working day;
- The Internet provider undertakes responsibility to deny access to black sites;
- Payment system operator has to block all transactions.
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