Case: How to make a working mailer? Recommendations from 3snet.

Publication date: 14 Nov 2017

This case does not belong to the category “ready-made guideline”, it rather shows the way how you can elaborate your effective case using the email marketing.

Initial data:
• The base of borrowers in 2017 for 450K addresses.
• Own mailing service.
• Working mailers that have proved their effectiveness through other advertising campaigns.
• 3 test flights of 150K each.

Focusing on the previous successful experience we decided to send out e-mails for the Vulkan offer with payment for registration as usually borrowers would be well converted to a casino, and Vulkan is the most famous brand of online casinos. As an advertising creative the used mailer has been taken:

This important letter concerns your gaming account.
Funds have been added to your account, however you did not use it within 4 days.
Please click here to access your account and start using it.
You got 1000 to your account and it is ready to work in your favor ..
Login to your account now and start earning
For your success!

The link from the mailer redirected to perfectly converting lending page:

Having made a test mailing of 150K addresses we received 212 registrations, it would seem “here it is – success!”. But the advertiser suddenly asked to pause this traffic source due to low activity of the players (only 4 deposits were made) and repeated appeals to the support with the request ” give back the promised one thousand.” After analyzing the situation together with the advertiser we decided to edit the text of the mailer indicating that “1000 is added to your demo account”, here is this option:

This important letter relates to your account.
Your account has been activated, but you did not use it within 5 days.
Please click here to access your account and start using it.
You already have 1000 on your demo-account.
Go right now and start earning
For your success!

We sent the next flight to 150K and received only 27 registrations which in our understanding was a failure. The advertiser reported that “the players activity is good, there were 2 deposits” and offered to continue. But this option did not seem profitable to us.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, we decided to start running another Vulkan offer with payment for deposits. The same landing pages, the same bonuses, the same advertiser, only the payment model has changed. Since we need deposits, we decided to use maylers from the subject of binary options which we also actively attract traffic to.

The next test for 150K of addresses was sent with the mailer under the conditional name “the money train”:

	It's time to choose. Today and right now.
It is not possible to wait any more!
Where is your life going? What do you await next? Have you decided what to do with money?
What money, you ask tired of constant lack of money and recounting
ARE YOU WITH US? Sit on the train, which carries MONEY,
Behind - poverty and vegetation, ahead - RICH, freedom and travel.
And now about business. Monthly income is $ 35,000. Arranges?
This is me and those who travel with me. The new system is simple and straightforward, you can afford to earn easily.
To receive a ticket follow the link.
It's time to go!

According to the results of the third launch we received the following outcomes: 66 registrations and 6 deposits in the first week and 23 registration/5 deposits next week. The number of registrations has significantly decreased, but the conversion to deposits has grown up to 12%, and the quality of players has improved according to the advertiser, they make re-deposits, play and return to the site. Working on the CPA model, we started receiving a much greater reward.

Of course, according to the results of this three-stage test, we collected valuable information for ourselves, as a result – we written rules for launching new mailers, corrected some technical issues (we’ll talk about this next time) and continue to improve our advertising campaigns.

Below here are brief conclusions for all who can and want to work on conversion and improve the quality of their traffic by working with email traffic.

1. Use only real data provided by advertiser. Fortunately, most of our advertisers are very adequate and ready to share information, to give real bonuses to users, to run tests and jointly improve the conversion. If you work with 3snet, you can discuss and coordinate the creatives with the advertiser through your manager.
2. The method of doing small tests, finding your bundle and improving it in the long run brings more money than a one-time flight with large quantitative and low quality results.
3. Time of fairy tales has passed and now the user needs to be prepared for the final action already in the mailer. Try to use these words and expressions in the letters that require action from the user. It can be:
• Any variation of the desired word. For example: “deposit” and everything similar in meaning – make a deposit, add money to the account, transfer the money on the deposit.
• Sequence of actions: first registration, then deposit and only after then all the bonuses and gifts will be available.
• Stimulus to action: go with us, you want a bun, you can afford it, click here, act, etc.
Working examples and successful stories: tell us about the people of your environment. For example, I never won, but my friend won the car in a lotto, sold it, paid the tax and furnished the apartment. Why not me? I want that too. And why not you?
4. Mailing texts should be targeted to a specific audience. It is necessary not to catch a random loser, but to attract the interested user, to find his need.
5. Work with large data. The 500-letter test of the non-thematic database will not show you anything.
6. Include rotation for headings and main points within the mailer. On a long distance it allow you to choose the most working ones.

Do not be afraid of experiments. Small experiments, even unsuccessful, are always the way to success. Collect information, analyze, consult, if necessary, and you will necessarily receive a successful case.

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