Publication date: 14 Nov 2017
What it required?
1. I personally bought a hosting in hostinger.ru for 250 RUB ( the paid one is preferable but the free hostinger.ru will work too). Also I can recommend a VDS hosting, for example this https://firstvds.ru.
2. Buy a domain (it is possible to buy cheaper here: 2domains.ru or namecheap.com)
3. Select keywords (it is possible to take here https://wordstat.yandex.ru ) that the most popular. I chose for the offer casino Vulkan the keywords as casino, casino Vulkan and game machines.
After that proceed to so-called preliminary work. The hosting of Hostinger and the Namecheap service are taken as a basis.
1. Start with Hostinger. Hostinger uses a popular control panels to manage websites – Cpanel therefore the process is very simple. If suddenly you did not understand you can watch video on youtube: “how to add the domain on cpanel”. Here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCM45ap4IHc
2. Register at Namecheap.com – the registration is quite simple. After the registration login into a personal account and look for the domain for the doorway. In our case as a basis was taken vulkancasino.life what is conformable to the Vulkan brand. Add the item to the cart, pay by bank card or through paypal. After payment pass to the section “Manager” and specify the Hostinger NS servers.
• ns1.hostinger.ru –
• ns2.hostinger.ru –
• ns3.hostinger.ru –
• ns4.hostinger.ru –
Save and wait a bit until the website will be activated. Usually it happens instantly, but sometimes it can take about 24 hours.
The next step is much simpler 🙂
Download any doorway from the listed below
• Autodor.SQLite.Wmsn 2017 – New release!
• Dorgen of zpromo (analog)
• Script and video inside
I will download last. Unpack the archive and for the Doorus folder.
There is a config.php file, open it in the editor and find a keyword, replace the keyword.
For “casino” it have to look like that:
The zip the archive and return to our hosting. Download the zipped file using a file manager. After that do not forget to unzip the archive. During unzipping process the server will ask the folder name. Write any (it won’t be necessary any more). Open the folder, select all files, click the right botton and move all files to public_html.
After that, double check that the website works.
In order to get the doorway indexated faster it is recommended to buy https://kwork.ru/ (here promotion).
Register in 3snet.ru following this link https://my.3snet.ru/?ref=502
Request an offer that requires the doorway traffic. For example it’s the offer 368, the link will look as
It should be inserted into this code:
Then edit the file
After all steps being completed the result looks like:
Go to your website again and check whehter Vulkan website opens. If so everything’s okay! Just wait for conversions now! By the way, how much it is possible to earn on it? Here’s August statistics for:
Thanks to 3snet for stable payments and operational support 🙂
Network: 3Snet
Offer: Vulcan CPA RU for Yandex cloacking
Period: 05.08.2017-25.08.2017
Source: Doorways
Investment: 3000 RUB
Revenue: 169 435 RUB
Profit: 166 435 RUB